Strategic Plan Update

Learn more about our approach and how we’re making progress


Dear Valued Yoga Alliance Member,

Earlier this year we shared our 2024-2030 Strategic Plan. In it we outlined three foundational commitments to anchor and guide our priorities over the next seven years. We also described how we envision living into these commitments. One pillar of this commitment is to “Build, Engage and Support Community”. This means:

  • Developing deep relationships with and among members to deliver greater value
  • Centering yoga teachers and wisdom holders to serve as reliable advocates for yoga and those who share its teachings
  • Expanding membership options to welcome and serve people in all stages of their yoga journey

This summer, we invited practitioners, teachers, community leaders, and experts in education to collaborate in shaping the future of Yoga Alliance membership and credentials.  After several in depth discussions, three themes emerged:


Evolve the Yoga Alliance credentials

We heard the need to update our credentialing approach to support teachers and trainers in sharing their unique lineage and traditions while making yoga more accessible. Our goal is to enrich yoga teaching as a practice and broaden yoga’s reach by highlighting various philosophies, tools, and delivery methods.


Create more ways to affirm yoga provider’s experience and expertise

To help yoga providers stand out to students and potential employers, it’s essential that we create a recognition framework to highlight unique credentials, specialties, and teaching methodologies. This includes opportunities to showcase various achievements as a marketing tool.


Offer professional growth opportunities

To inspire newcomers to yoga, and nurture practitioners, we need to create an eco-system that aligns the needs of yoga teachers, schools, and organizations. This will create enhanced networking, skill-sharing, and business development opportunities to encourage innovation and collaboration across sectors. This will also create new professional development paths for yoga teachers and business owners.


Share your insights to create a new path forward


We value your perspective and want to ensure that future changes align with the community’s needs and aspirations. Here are three steps you can take to inform the future:

  1. Complete feedback survey: This survey includes important questions that will inform our approach.
  2. Share with your network: Help us reach a broader audience by sharing the survey with fellow yoga teachers and business owners.
  3. Stay engaged: We will keep you updated on the progress and outcomes of this initiative.

I want to offer sincere gratitude to the people and organizations who have served as collaborators in this work thus far:

(Brittany) Sharkey Andrews
Colleen Bank
Jacquelyn “Sunny” Barbee
Zaynab Ewing-Boyd
Anne Desmond
Dr. Judith Carlisle
David DeRosa
Pamela Stokes Eggleston
Branden D. Elmore
Yeser Eren
Iliana Espinal
Alexandra Di Cecco (Espinosa)
Himanee Gupta 
Daniel Eduardo Hickman
Lori Lindgren
Ann Matthews
Lynn McFadden
Wane Mendoza
Michelle Kelsey Mitchell
Amina Naru
Iyanna Newborn
Stacey Rogala

Forum One
Sequence Consulting

Take the survey

And thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Together, we can build a more inclusive, compassionate, and equitable world grounded in yoga.


With gratitude,

Dani Reese


Learn more from Dani Reese, Head of Community Engagement

Yoga Alliance is a nonprofit 501(c)(6). Yoga Alliance Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). This website refers to the two organizations as "Yoga Alliance." Copyright 2025 Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance, the Yoga Alliance logo, RYS, RYT, and YACEP are registered marks with the USPTO and other jurisdictions.