My First Album - titi [575]
red dress
My First Album - red dress [587]
My First Album - pigeon [542]
My First Album - seated [546]

Valerie Jeremijenko

Doha, Qatar

Connect with Me

Valerie Jeremijenko Teaches

  • Flow Yoga
  • Alignment-Oriented Yoga
  • Specialty Yoga



About Valerie Jeremijenko

Valerie Jeremijenko, (ERYT 500 since 2001) is the founder, owner and director of Yama Yoga Studios in Doha, Qatar and of Yama Yoga Retreat Center in Pcheliste Bulgaria, just outside of Veliko Tarnovo.  She is also the Yama Yoga Director of teacher training programs. ...

Valerie Jeremijenko, (ERYT 500 since 2001) is the founder, owner and director of Yama Yoga Studios in Doha, Qatar and of Yama Yoga Retreat Center in Pcheliste Bulgaria, just outside of Veliko Tarnovo.  She is also the Yama Yoga Director of teacher training programs.  She has been practicing and teaching yoga since 1991 and has studied with such luminaries as Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, R. Sharath Jois, John Scott, Graeme Northfield, Tim Miller, Dave Oliver, Eddie Stern, Lino Miele, Richard Freeman, Dharma Mitra and many others.  She travels to India on a regular basis to continue her studies and also conducts monthly workshops with internationally acclaimed teachers at Yama Yoga Studios.  The teachers she has hosted and studied with at Yama Yoga include Kathryn Budig (Flow), Jeff Phinix, (Flow), Bridgit Kramer Woods (Anusara), Paddy McGrath (Scarvelli), Julie Martin (Flow), Yogeswari (Jiva Muhkti)  Azita Dafur, (Iyengar) Jonas Westring (Anusara), and many many others.  Her continuous anatomy studies have been guided by Simon Borg Oliver and Leslie Kaminoff and her ongoing studies of yoga philosophy has included programs with the Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, Emil Wendel, an undergraduate and honors degree in comparative religion from the University of Qld, and a current cooperation with Georg Feuerstein’s school of Traditional Yoga Studies. Valerie holds an MFA in creative writing and is the editor of How We Live Our Yoga, Beacon Press (2001.) Her short fiction has been published in numerous literary journals.  She will complete her Phd by the end of 20014.

As a teacher Valerie is both charismatic and nurturing and infuses her classes with compassion, humor and intelligence.   She sees each practice as an archetypal voyage and tries to lead her students into the meaning, story and power of each pose.   Her class forms include dynamic lead asthanga, creative vinyasa, and workshops in which the poses are revealed.  

As a teacher trainer Valerie has graduated over 150 students in their 200 hour level certification and in 2014 is introducing both the 300 hour program and the 500 hour program to Yama Yoga studios which she will teach in collaboration with other experts.  Her teacher training programs are known to be thorough and comprehensive with students committing to a full ten month program with regular classes combined with an intensive weekend experience once a month and many opportunities for mentorship with more senior teachers and hands on practice teaching at the vibrant Yama Yoga Studios

Valerie can be reached at  More details about Yama Yoga can be found at or at


First Registered September 2001
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider
First Registered September 2001
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider YACEP® Profile 

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