Approval Requirements for Registered Yoga Teacher Registration

Last Updated: December 31, 2017


A Registered Yoga School is responsible for validating program confirmation requests from trainees. Program confirmation requests must include the program dates, designation type and a signed certificate for an approved RYS Teacher Training Track.

The certificate is not valid unless it meets Yoga Alliance’s requirements [See Certificate Requirements for RYT Registration].

When RYS staff approve program confirmation requests, they represent to Yoga Alliance that the certificate is valid and that the dates entered by the applicant are a match to what is on the certificate. RYS staff therefore must open the certificate and view it before confirming the request. Approval of program confirmation requests without verifying the accuracy of the certificate is a violation of the RYS’s obligation, makes the RYS complicit in any misrepresentations by the Registered Yoga Teacher and undermines ability of the public to rely on the RYT credential. An RYS that fails to establish procedures and practices to safeguard the integrity and accuracy of their program confirmation validations may be subject to revocation of the RYS credential.

No one may approve their own certificate. This occurs sometimes in situations where an owner or Lead Trainer for a RYS signs all certificates for that RYS and may themselves have completed a program at their own RYS. In order to ensure that the program completion is accurate, in this situation Yoga Alliance requires that the Lead Trainer who offered the program OR another owner of the RYS sign the certificate.

If a Program Confirmation Request is approved with a certificate that does not meet Yoga Alliance requirements, or with a certificate that does not match the certificate of the approved Teacher Training Track on file, or if a RYS owner or staff member approves themselves, Yoga Alliance reserves the right to revoke the RYT registration or upgrade at any time without refund.

Yoga Alliance is a nonprofit 501(c)(6). Yoga Alliance Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). This website refers to the two organizations as "Yoga Alliance." Copyright 2025 Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance, the Yoga Alliance logo, RYS, RYT, and YACEP are registered marks with the USPTO and other jurisdictions.